…and why work with me?

As an experienced trainer, I support groups and individuals with the challenge of changing cultures in a team or an organization. This work will maximize your team’s abilities by identifying their strengths and supporting their development in growth areas. Team members will learn how to harness their personal leadership skills for decision-making and managing people, projects and tasks. We will examine each member’s communication style to boost individual presentations and group interactions. The programme will enable team players to create supportive networks for greater effectiveness and well-being.

Your programme is called: Realising Team Potential

If you are a female professional in training and development, innovation or a related field and you are wondering about your next step. This may involve bringing your personal values and ethics to the core of your work or home life. Or, perhaps you feel ready move into a new personal / professional role but you feel held back by a strong inner critic, anxiety about “not being good enough”, or, the fear of letting go and “owning” the new.

As a professional woman, who has worked across a number of fields in training, communication, and innovation, and, who has experienced burn out, I understand the strain of finding balance in personal and professional transformation. Through the coaching that I offer you will gain greater confidence around your personal attributes and styles of leadership and communication. I will help you to find a sense of clarity regarding what fulfilment looks and feels like for you and, together, we will design a path towards it. Alongside this, we will look at how to generate supportive networks and how to re-envision the big picture to ensure equilibrium between your professional and personal life.


Your programmes are called: