The sessions either take place online or face-to-face. I offer a 12-week programme. At the start of the programme, you will identify the intention to work towards during the programme. I will support you in getting clarity on what the implications of achieving the intention will be and how to realise this. The coaching programme will be tailored to your individual needs. As the coach, I will provide the tools, resources and facilitation needed at each step to support you towards bringing you intention into being.
Online or in person depending on location. If online, before each session, you will receive an email with the link inviting you to connect.
Individual coaching provides you, the client, with the time and space to work at your pace. In one-to-one coaching sessions, the programme is designed around your intentions – the challenge or issue that you would like to work on. There is flexibility within the programme to accommodate new questions or challenges as they arise. In each session, you and I will agree and set the agenda with the big picture in mind but also with attention to the energy and perspective that you bring to each individual session. The result is an individually tailored programme that directly responds to the challenges that you bring.
Let’s start the journey together!